A Roadmap for Mastering Leadership in College Admission
An essential aid for training sitting and aspiring admissions officers in the skills required to succeed in higher education today.​​
The college admission deanship—often called “the hottest seat on campus”—requires navigating institutional politics, legal hurdles, revenue allocation, and more, all while overseeing enrollment that meets demographic and financial objectives. A seat with high turnover, its opportunities for professional growth, in terms of extending networks, burnishing leadership credentials, and gaining invaluable institutional insight, are nevertheless unmatched. In The Hottest Seat on Campus, veteran counselor Angel B. Pérez helps newly appointed and rising admission deans get a handle on the role’s core expectations and nuances for success.
About Dr. Pérez
Dr. Angel B. Pérez is a nationally recognized leader in higher education, dedicated to expanding access, equity, and student success. As CEO of the National Association for College Admission Counseling, he represents more than 28,000 admission and counseling professionals worldwide, serving as the association’s chief voice to government, media, and global partners. Since joining NACAC in 2020, Pérez has led a bold transformation agenda - navigating the organization through a global pandemic, redefining its mission and governance, doubling membership, overhauling federal policy initiatives, creating new programs to cultivate future leaders, and securing the largest philanthropic gifts in its history. In September of 2023, he announced the creation of the Center for Innovation in College Admission. Pérez’s passion for educational equity is deeply personal. Born in Puerto Rico and raised in poverty in the South Bronx, he was the first in his family to graduate from college—an experience that fuels his lifelong commitment to ensuring that every student, regardless of background, has the opportunity to pursue higher education. Before joining NACAC, he served as a leader at several institutions of higher education, most recently as Vice President for Enrollment and Student Success at Trinity College, where his visionary leadership transformed enrollment, retention, student success, and career development. A sought-after speaker, writer, and policy advisor, Pérez has helped shaped national conversations on the future of higher education. His insights have been featured in The New York Times, Washington Post, The Atlantic, NPR, PBS NewsHour, CBS Evening News, and more. He has advised the Biden-Harris administration on college access and affordability, testified before the Pennsylvania State Board of Education, and served on Forward50, a coalition of higher education leaders offering policy solutions to Congress. Appointed by the Governor of Connecticut to the New England Board of Higher Education, he continues to influence higher education policy across the nation. In 2024, he was invited to join the Wall Street Journal CEO Council, a network of business and policy leaders shaping the future of leadership and innovation. A dedicated educator, Pérez has taught at Trinity College, UCLA, the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and Rikkyo University in Japan. He has also served on the boards of Scholarship America, Tuition Exchange, Hartford Youth Scholars, Berkshire School, United World College in Costa Rica, the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education, and the Washington Higher Education Secretariat. In recognition of his impact, the Kresge Foundation recently appointed him to its Thrive Leaders Network. Pérez is the recipient of numerous awards for his leadership and advocacy, including Skidmore College’s highest honor for diversity leadership. He is also the author of the forthcoming book, The Hottest Seat on Campus: A Roadmap for Mastering Leadership in College Admission, to be published by Harvard Education Press in September 2025. A Fulbright Scholar, he holds a B.S. from Skidmore College, M.A. from Columbia University, Ph.D. from Claremont Graduate University, and a certification in higher education pedagogy from Harvard University’s Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning.

Thought Leadership
Dr. Angel B. Pérez writes often in academic and mainstream media. Below are a sample of recent articles.

The Hechinger Report
As of today, we are over 30 percent behind last year in FAFSA filings. If we do not mobilize as a college access community, we are at risk of losing thousands of students from the pipeline to higher education. Full Article

Employers Benefited from Affirmative Action.
It’s Time to Step Up.
The New York Times
I’ve been traveling the country speaking to corporate executives about seismic shifts in higher education: a demographic cliff, decreased state funding, ever-rising tuition and a recent poll . Full Article

Navigating the College Search: NACAC’s Expert Insights
Hispanic Outlook on Education Magazine
While many college applicants and their parents read the U.S. News and World Reports rankings of the best colleges to research the university that best suits them, several experts caution against using it as the basis of a college search. Full Article

One CEO's Story of Executive Burnout
The Center for Association Leadership
A fog descended upon me, like clouds forming above a seaside town when a warm day meets cool ocean waters. At first, I made nothing of it. I’m probably tired. I should sleep more. Maybe I need more iron in my diet? I should start taking vitamins. Full Article

New Leaders Face a Daunting Foe: Themselves
Inisde Higher Ed
A new leadership position brings excitement, expectations and no shortage of challenges in the world of education. Such roles involve an unforgiving pace with intense pressure amid a pandemic, a racial reckoning, divisive politics and a looming recession. Full Article

NACAC CEO Announces a New Mission and Vision Statement
Higher Ed Dive
Fifty years ago, the 1971 Report on Higher Education — better known as the Newman Report — challenged higher education to become more inclusive, especially for women and minority students, and to serve the needs of all students. Full Article

The Perverse Consequences of the NCAA Ruling
The Atlantic
The Supreme Court has changed college admissions forever. The justices’ decision late last month allowing NCAA Division I football and men’s basketball programs to provide new educational incentives to student athletes created an overdue avenue. Full Article

Inequity in College Admissions is a Threat to US Prosperity
The Hill
At the initial news conference announcing indictments in the Varsity Blues scandal two years ago, U.S. Attorney Andrew Lelling summed up the case succinctly: “The real victims in this case are the students," who were displaced in the admissions process. Full Article

A New CEO's Strategy for Building the Plane While Flying It
The Center for Association Leadership
I began my tenure as CEO of the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) last July, when the pandemic was raging, the nation was in political turmoil and undergoing a racial reckoning. Full Article

What's At Stake for College Admissions In This Election?
This year’s elections will have a significant impact on the future of college admission. While most Americans focus on the presidency, state and local elections also have a profound impact on which students are best prepared for college. Full Article

4 Steps to Improving College Access
Higher Ed Dive
Our nation’s future is at risk. While higher education has always been perceived as a great equalizer, our deeply entrenched social inequities have put college out of reach for too many Americans, inhibiting our country from truly prospering. Full Article
Dr. Pérez often lends his voice to media and other outlets to address issues of college access, success, and leadership. Dive into these podcasts and media coverage to learn more.
4 things students need to know after the Supreme Court ruled against affirmative action
NBC News
Can Colleges Be Racially Diverse Without Affirmative Action? Experience Suggests No
Wall Street Journal
There’s Only One College Rankings List That Matters
New York Times
PBS News interviews Angel B.Pérez
PBS News
Inequity in College Admissions is a Threat to US Prosperity
The Hill
NBC News
2019 College Admission Influencers
Is Your Child Struggling During the First Year of College?
WTNH News 8
What College Admissions Officers Really Want
The New York Times

Speaking Engagements
Putting Our Masks on First: How Leaders Care for Themselves
George Mason University | January 23, 2025
Current Trends in Higher Education and College Access
Big 12 Conference
Oklahoma State University | January 28, 2025
The Intersection of Counseling, Leadership, and Cross Cultural Education
International Baccalaureate Conference
Virtual | February 4, 2025
Meeting the Moment
Gear Up Annual Conference
Virtual | February 4, 2025
Seismic Shifts in Higher Education
Lincoln University Board of Trustees
Lincoln University | February 7, 2025
A New Way to Lead
CUPRAP Conference
Lancaster, PA | March 12, 2025
The Courage to Lead: Higher Education at a Crossroads
Consortium on High Achievement and Success
Skidmore College
Saratoga Springs, NY | April 6, 2025

Contact Dr. Pérez for speaking, media and press.